Last Friday 11th of March, Sodexo B&R organized a wonderful testimony session, inspiring 88 Young talented Youth; for most of them women joining from different organizations here in the Philippines.
The session involved 3 collaborators of Sodexo who showed impressive commitment in their incentive to reach their objectives.

As part of the testimonies, the Youth learned and got inspired from different success stories and useful tips.
> Jennifer Evangelista (Logistics Manager) reminded the importance of the Work life balance and the highly positive impact of loving your job. She also explained what a manager is looking for in a teammate, specifying that character, capability to take initiatives, trust and respect, eager to learn, to ask questions and commitment are keys to succeed
> Joan Bobier (Sales Account Manager) explained that the world is a very competitive environment. This is about to work hard and smart to succeed, to not overthink and to try, because successes happen when you do things on your own.
> Anna Pardillo is a Youth initially from LP4Y Payatas, who integrated Sodexo few years ago, working first as a Customer Care Support, before getting promoted to Marketing Lead Specialist. She reminded the Youth to never give up and keep going no matter what happens in order to reach their objectives
"You need to be independent, your happiness and success not depend on others. Take the opportunities that will help you gain your independence and build your own success. Be happy with what you have and look for more." - Jenny Evangelista
Challenge overcoming and interview tips were also discussed and the speakers reminded the importance of motivation, to be convinced of your potential, to always speak up, the importance of presentation and first impression, to come prepared having already information about the company and example to help the recruiter imagine you in the job. Last but not least, to practice is very important and this is why YIN activities with the Youth are highly meaningful to them!
Claire Caparas closed the session and made a wrap up of the most important highlights of the session, for Youth being fully confident and ready to catch their next professional opportunities
> Build you character
> Show initiative and persistence
> Love your job
> Know your passion - Think about what really keep you awake at nigh to find the reason behind your actions and go further
> Work hard if you want to build your destiny
> Be presentable
> Be conscious that you can achieve so much
> Never stop learning
A deep thank to you to Sodexo and our fantastic speakers of the day for these amazing tips and confidence boosts!
Aside from this testimony session, Sodexo is currently developing other projects for the Youth and especially for the Young Women part of the network.
> On the OSS entity side: 2022 is the official come back of the SheWorks Program, a 6 month training in which Young women will learn about different jobs and professional skills, with potential long term opportunities at he end of the training
> On the B&R entity side: aside from participating to the SheWorks program, B&R will also start by the end of the month, a one-month mentoring program, to train the Youth in one-to-one sessions with Sodexo team members, about essential aspects of job search, from preparation to management of this challenging activity
