In March, team members of CGI and Bolloré Logistics dedicated time to give digital mock interviews to 24 LP4Y Youth.
Mock interviews represent an important, immersive and instructive exercise for both Youth and companies.
> For the Youth, this is the incredible opportunity to get an immersive interview exercise during which they can train, learn, become confident in themselves and get meaningful tips to show their potential the day they will apply for their dream job.
> For the companies, this is the perfect opportunity to involve all employees into CSR initiatives for a 30 minutes activity only. The team members truly appreciate these interactions as those are privileged moments with the Youth, when Youth and corporate members can share and learn from each other. During these mock interviews, each employee can give a little push to help the Youth to become who they want to be.
We would like to warmly thank CGI and Bolloré Logistics for their commitment and we look forward to organising other sessions with you.
If you would like to live this experience and design your own sessions, contact us and we will be really pleased to explain to you how easy and adjustable it is to implement.